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I'm New Here

Hey! Welcome to my new blog where I hope we become great friends. You are reading my first blog ever on this website, congratulations! WOOHOO!

My heart behind this new blog website is to reach people. The Lord has put on my heart to be transparent with the crap that comes our way sometimes. When I am down in the dirt, it's always nice to have someone willing to meet me where I am at and point me back to Jesus. Life is so fun, so hard and has so many new opportunities. Let's talk about it.

One of my biggest pet peeves when I was in college was when people would tell me stuff like "it's all down hill from here", "just wait until you get into the real world", "being an adult sucks"...and whatever else people would say. It really set me up to fall right on my face after college..what's the point in even trying if it sucks that much?! It wasn't until I got back from The World Race (a year long mission trip I had the opportunity to go on in 2020), that I realized I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I was overwhelmed with expectations from the world. I got caught up in finding a "big girl job"(more to come on this topic later), moving out on my own, paying student loans, finding time for a social life and so much more!

I was in a constant spiral of trying to fit into a box that society says 24 year olds should be in. I took my eyes off of Jesus and put them on the world. I will be diving deeper in future posts, but the Lord has really walked me through some amazing lessons during this transition period. I can't wait to share stories and life lessons with you!

If you have a topic you want me to talk about or any prayer requests, fill out the card below and I will read it! Also you can subscribe to get updated every time I post by plugging in your email to the subscription box.

Thanks for being here, I'll talk to you soon!


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