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A Letter To You


Kellie Schlangen

Hey, pal!


So honored to have you here reading my blog. I want to document some dope stories in my life and use the gifts the Lord has given me to reach people all over! The point of this blog is to let you know you aren't alone. I am going to be transparent, open and talk about the things people don't want to talk about. If you have something you want me to chat about, leave it in the section at the bottom of this page! 


In my life, the people that have made the biggest impact were real with me. They were honest and sat with me in my crap, but didn't let me stay there. That's what I hope this blog does for you, I hope you feel seen wherever you are at, but also know that we aren't going to stay there and throw a pity party for ourselves. We get to take ownership over our lives and keep our eyes on Jesus. (spoiler, He's the only perfect one here.)


My relationship with Jesus is really the only answer to everything in my life. He is in total control, and it's been a joy ride. We will get more into that in a blog. Just know, Jesus is the dude. He is the reason I am making this blog, the purpose of life and the ultimate source of wisdom. I pray He uses me to reach people through this blog, including you!  


That's enough chatting for now! Thanks for being here, I am jazzed to see where this goes.



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